
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

From Geribirding to Death Marches: Maynerayge Complete

Look. Razorbills. One of them is bellowing. Have you had the sonic pleasure of experiencing repeated Razorbill bellows? I have. It made everything better.

As promised, I have returned from Maine.  How was Maine?  I'm not even sure I know yet...but I needed Maine, and Maine needed me.  The quality of birding vacillated wildly, with dizzying highs and unforgettable lows. I came out batting .666 on target birds, which any baseball fan will tell you meant GREAT SUCCESS, although one dip was more painful than the others (literally...that's right, I said it).  Hell, we even got into county birding, which is a weird thing to do when birding a state none of us had ever birded before.  Most unexpected was the state's high quality of bread.

Thanks to This Machine Nate, Dipper Dan, Flycatcher Jen and Miss Brown for helping make this birdcation one for the books...please don't share any of those videos and I will do the same.

More Maine coverage coming soon.


  1. Dat me.

    Videos must not be shared. I know there are 3 of us in the trust circle. I'm a bit concerned about Miss Brown.

    1. Miss Brown? Browning it? Secret videos?
      There have been a shitload of crap jokes trotting around.

      Is it like a 3 nerds one cup sort of deal?

  2. One?
    One fucking photo? You are a withholding son of a bitch Steve.

    1. Not sorry. Busy raging. More than one photo coming soon.

  3. No videos will be shared on my end, but you should see my new blog header...


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