Monday, December 23, 2013

Breeding Confirmed or Crushing On A Disturbing New Level

Birders. There are times when you witness things on birding trips that are just totally bizarre. That you just would never see unless you happened to be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes these are things that don't fit in readily with a bird blog, but they need to see the light of day nonetheless.

Almost a year ago now, Dipper Dan, Stilt, Frank and I were birding in Costa Rica. We were birding the road downhill from El Cerro Lodge near Tarcoles; the birding was fun but not intense, and with the sun setting we had precious little time left. There were Purple Gallinules, Southern Lapwings, Yellow-headed Caracaras, Scarlet Macaws, Turquoise-crowned Motmots, Prothonotary was nice. But the real time sucker/show stealer was not a bird at all, nor any kind of was what you see below. No explanation is needed. Anyone who has lived on a farm probably won't be particularly impressed, but we were all screaming, cursing and cheering in awe.

If you are expecting a child soon and want the birth crushed in fine detail from a considerable distance, you know who to ask. Happy holidays!


  1. This post would've been completely mild if not for that last picture. Vile.

  2. Venturing here only to comment that I have to hide this post from my Facebook wall because it kept showing up when I scrolled down.

    Jeebus effing Christ. And that's from someone that has witnessed childbirth.

  3. yeah, up until that last photo, man. Whoa. Actually totally awesome photos (I mean, minus the the last one)

  4. Cool documentation. My wife and I got to witness a scene like that once, on the Arcata Bottoms. While out birding, of course.

  5. That post was super boring until the last photo. You should just eliminate all the other ones.

  6. Wow. Never having lived on or near a farm, that was pretty cool.


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