Wednesday, January 19, 2011

List The Latest List of Bastards

The rarely seen "Killing-Spree" posture of the Least Bittern. Martinez, CA.

So. I am in Mexico at the moment, but writing from California. Try to wrap your mind around that. Just wanted you to know that the BB&B family hasn't forgotten about you.

Big nerd-news to me was the creation of Galapagos Frigatebird. Head on over to for more information about that. Apparently, they are genetically distinct from other Magnificent Frigatebirds, and are significantly larger. So if you've been to the Galapagos Islands and were lucky enough to lay eyes on some Man-o-war birds, you probably saw these things. And with 1,000 breeding pairs, this is now one of the world's rarest seabirds. Whoa! Yet another reason for me to get down there.

I know it's hard to go on without me, but I'll be back in the nerdosphere in a flash. In the what you think is best. Hasta!


  1. stop it with the bittern. that's a badass shot. Hope Mexico is poop-inducing cool!

  2. Oh, holy CRAP that's a cool photo.

    Martinez?!? I'm there several times a year. Clearly, not observant enough (or, maybe 'cause it's usually after field work, I'm too fragrant?).

    Alas, I have merely been able to see the magnificent frigatebird (Baja), poor, poor me. =)

    And whenever I know someone who's gone to the Galapagos, I congratulate them heartily, and I meant it, then erase it from my brain so I can still be their friend, not bothered by seething envy. =)

  3. @Jill T - Thanks! I had some poop-inducing food (who said that?)....but yeah it was greaat aside from the robbery business. At least they waited until the last day for that.

    @BB - I know what you mean about the Galapagos thing. I have trouble picturing myself being there. The bittern was a stakeout, theyre hella rare around these parts.


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