Monday, March 5, 2012

Electronic Destroying Juices

How does this ridiculous bird blog have over 100 followers? I never thought I'd see the day. My undeniable sex appeal must show through the internet....brightly. Thanks for reading everyone.

In more grim news, my SLR (which takes most of the pictures you see here) was preyed upon by a bottle of water that was occupying the same messenger bag as my camera. The bottle unleashed its electronic-destroying juices upon the camera (as well as ANOTHER camera), and the water won. So now I have 2 cameras sitting in rice and silicone.

What does that mean for you, valued BB&B reader? No more new pictures! At least for a while. Life is painful and bad, and I have no one to blame but a highly caffeinated version of myself. So now you will be stuck reliving my past and looking at stuff like these Lesser Yellowlegs from Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota.

Back to the bay area today. Thanks Arcata people!


  1. wow, less dramatic than Mexican soldiers/gangsters.


    1. Truth. Not story worthy. I'll take it though, compared to the alternative.

  2. oh, that SUCKS. It frequently amazes me how often liquid containers do NOT actually, despite being marketed as such, CONTAIN the liquid. Amazing that having it lay down can = all water pour out. This has GOT to be low tech.


    Anyhow, sorry to hear. Hope the rice and silicone do the trick.

    Of course, you have till 3/18 to get your camera back up and take a representative photo of your most spectacular bio nerd shelf and send 2 me. =) Reeelly hoping for a Power Bird Nerd contribution. =) Hope the rest of your week is bettah.

    1. Thanks for kind words BB, and Im sure I have something embarrassing to submit already. Actually, you can count on it.

  3. Très bel oiseau (que je ne connais pas...) bien saisi en vol!
    C'est bien dommage pour le DSLR, mais il ne faut pas être réticent au changement, un autre plus moderne vous donnera certainement satisfaction aussi!
    faites le bon choix!

    1. J'ai bon espoir que la SLR allons surmonter les difficultés, je ne suis pas sûr de mon point and shoot bien. Un D7000 serait bien, mais je ne sais pas si je pouvais me permettre beaucoup plus d'une mise à niveau.

  4. Bummer! And this is the week you'll find the most overwhelmingly, inconceivably impossible mega rarity, and no one will believe you. Hope the mishap doesn't keep you out of the field, and here's looking forward to seeing what the next camera brings us!

    1. Im going to try to avoid making eye contact with birds to prevent this very situation. Helllllooooooo hiatus!

  5. That's it?! That's how they got wet?! I imagined some epic scene of you leaning out over a large body of water to get one of those face-melting duck shots when all avian hell broke loose and SPLASH!

    1. Yup. Preferable than being robbed at gunpoint though.


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