Sunday, November 1, 2009

Broadcasting Our Grief, Our Imaginations Atrophied

Yeah that's right. I was a flounder for Halloween. A flounder in College Station, Texas, home of Texas A&M. It was pretty well-received until I tore it off in a frenzy. We flounders are wide, which makes it difficult swimming through hundreds of scantily dressed girls who look like they are on their way to a porn shoot.

My fall tour has been a huge success, and I'm stoked I've been able to see some good people across the south. I'm cutting down on the birding aspect and have been concentrating on working more with bastards and birds, although I did manage to fit in some birding yesterday west of Aggieland, adding Orange-crowned Warbler, Neotropic Cormorant and Franklin's Gulls to my trip list. I found out my colleague Lee Vining here in College Station has actually conducted research similar to what we do here at BB&B, except her work is real and I specialize in wild accusations, rambling screeds, general tangents, conjecture, and other forms of Fear and Loathing. Yes, she is the first person I've met who have researched birdwatchers themselves outside of their spending habits. Expect a scandalous interview in the near future.

Tomorrow its off to Austin and recounting glory days on Midway Atoll. Word.

Rolling down the Wakulla River, south of Tallahassee, Fl. This is a good spot to see mermaids, although some find that they are not as good-looking as one might expect.

A Yellow-crowned Night-Heron lurks in the mangroves at Ding Darling NWR, Fl.

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