Sunday, January 10, 2010

Of Native Ways And Beaten Slaves

This is where I'll be living this spring: the base of the Santa Rita Mountains in southeastern Arizona.

Well hellllllllllooooooooooooooo there Arizona, how have you been? I haven't been in your strange, McCain-worshipping, immigrant-hating, water-chugging, Andrew Jackson Jihad-birthing, biologically diverse, bird-filled, and generally incredible state since November, but I am ready to come back. Southeastern Arizona is an absolutely crippling place to see birds, as many have written about over the years. It is a birding mecca, and I am happy to say that I will be making a pilgrimage back in the end of February. I am, in the end, doing what I think is best. I'll be gone before the summer monsoons come, but I guess I'm ok with that.

Of course, now I am left with the (possibly) daunting task of finding a summer job, but now my primary task this month is to go out and see as many shows possible before I do my post-breeding-dispersal thing....since I returned from the far east, I managed to catch NOFX, Andrew Jackson Jihad and King City so far, and that's just the beginning. I gotta get my good music in before the field season arrives.

And now, for those of you with parched brains, thirsty for some esoteric knowledge, here are a couple pages worth catching up on:

For you gadget/tech nerds, you should probably go here.

For all the dolphin psychologists out long, and thanks for all the fish.

According to NOAA, the commercial tuna industry is responsible for killing about 6 million dolphins since the late 1950's, and kills approximately a thousand a year currently. Next time you order a tuna melt, ponder the fact that you are basically supporting whaling. Yum!

The Santa Ritas are a pretty different experience from where I was last spring: this is Eastern Island, in Midway Atoll.

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