Friday, February 26, 2010

Why Does My Appearance Seem To Have A Somber Tone?

Today is Johnny Cash's birthday, so here is an appropriately dressed Brewer's Blackbird for the occasion.  If you are wondering about the fish carcasses, you would be correct in guessing that this bird was at the Salton Sea.

The year list thing is like a disease.  It always is the most intense in the flu season....right when it starts (January, or in my case, February), and right when it ends (December 31, obvi).  But in fact, its more like herpes.  Just when you thought that you were done with this ugly business, that it may not rear its ugly head ever again.....BAM there it is, worse than ever.  The only difference is that with a year list outbreak, you can still derive pleasure from it....with herpes, you can maybe reflect on how much fun you were having when you first got it, but otherwise its just something you have to come to terms with.  Not that I know much about this first hand, but I can only assume that if you have been stricken and are reading might relate.

When Mew Gulls Attack

I'm at about 151 right now, which to any other year-lister based in California would be a pathetic number.  But since I'm not really trying too hard, why worry?  Besides, anyone who knows enough to scoff at my paltry 151 is so deeply rooted in nerddom that their opinion is, by default, rendered meaningless.  Cassowary and Lizzard, who inspired me to do this, are at least at 203 at the moment, and have birded from Washington all the way down to Orange County...I can only assume they are now moving eastward.  But from what I gathered during out last conversation, they may be being digested in a mountain lion stomach at the moment.
I guess Tufted Duck, Virginia's Warbler and Rock Sandpipers are the highlights so far in 2010, but its good to have things like Thayer's Gull and Red-necked Grebe in there too.  The most exotic species is Red-masked Parakeet (the famous parrots of Telegraph Hill).....but since being a biologist takes any joy out of seeing introduced species, its really not a big deal.

A Horned Grebe taking it easy at Lake Merritt.

Word on where I will be spending my summer could potentially come in any day......not knowing adds a shot of suspense into my life, but with much suspense there is always The Fear.

The next dispatch of BB&B will be from southeast Arizona.  Have a good weekend, and consume much whisky.

Part of the Arcata Marsh mural on I Street.  Pretty funny, in my opinion.

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