Friday, April 20, 2012

Making Sweet Sweet Bird Love

An American Coot and Tufted Duck race. The duck, a born Winner, not only challenged the local coot cabal to races, he flogged them regularly...just for being coots. Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA.

Well, between plovering, assisting The Great Ornithologist Felonious Jive in his next cathartic 10,000 Birds post, and a quick and bird-saturated desert camping trip....I don't have much to say today. Work is good, ravens and coyotes are eating plover nests left and right (not good), the migrants are migrating, and the weather is fine. Here are a few pictures from back in the bay, earlier in the year, that I haven't posted yet.

Have a positive weekend...I'm sure you won't have trouble picking up a couple year birds.

A less-frequently seen perspective of Hooded Merganser. From this angle, it is clearly a Rail-headed Merganser. Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA.

Glaucous Gull, my one and only for the year. It is a beefy gull. It didn't do much except bob around in front of me, but at least it floated into some interesting light. Golden Gate Park.

Dusky-capped Flycatcher, at this point also my only one of the year. This one also holds the honor of being a very rare bird. Golden Gate Park.

Black Phoebe. Not a rare bird, but master of the two-tone. Golden Gate Park.

American Kestrel. Have you ever thought it odd that we have all these other kinds of falcons around, and none of them hover? Heron Head Park, San Francisco, CA.

A menagerie of shorebirds. Long-billed Dowitchers, Marbled Godwits, and a lot of Willets. Radio Road, Redwood Shores, CA.

Spotted Sandpipers should be adding their summer spots now, but even in winter, their obsessive-compulsive tail-bobbing captures our attention. It seems like predators would have caught on to this strange habit by now...photographed at Heron Head Park.

A Double-crested Cormorant with a mouthful, and then some. You can also see that Double-cresteds take great pride in their magnificent eyebrows. Lake Merritt.

This Iceland Gull, unlike the Glaucous, cannot be characterized as "beefy". It's smallness is what made this particular bird so popular in the first place, and it didn't take much guff from the mud-blooded Olympic Gulls (rear).  Fort Baker, Sausalito, CA.

Another day at the Albany Bulb. Photo by Brittany Lassiter.


  1. Gah! You're killing me. Where are the Snowy Plover shots?

    I mean, any post with Tufted Duck and Dusky-Capped Flycatchers is pretty marvelous, and this is no exception. Nice of you to throw in some Gulls and Mergansers too. You're a gentleman and a scholar of birds.

    1. I don't get to take as many plover shots as I would like, since at this point base security would not be happy seeing a large lens in active training areas...hopefully this will be rectified though.

  2. Looking forward to the Desert bird trip photos. And YES! Albany Bulb.

    1. I did manage some decent ones, I'll try to get them up sooner than later. The bulb rules.

  3. I'm also looking forward to your desert bird images. I love that Hooded Merganser image, I mean Rail-headed :-)

  4. Nice group of old news shots. Bring on the desert birds!


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